Plaintiff, a middle-aged man in good health, awoke one night with chills and body aches. Plaintiff was seen by defendants the following day. On that initial visit, plaintiff was offered a chest X-ray, but declined. Defendants prescribed amoxicillin and sent him home.

During the two-month period following his initial visit, the plaintiff was seen by the defendants on multiple visits for his continuing respiratory symptoms. Defendants never made a definitive diagnosis.

Plaintiff and defendants offered conflicting testimony as to the symptoms and complaints reported to the defendants by the plaintiff, …

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Type of action: Medical malpractice
Injuries alleged: Failure to diagnose and treat pneumonia and other respiratory ailments, causing the partial loss of plaintiff’s left lung
Name of case: Confidential
Verdict or Settlement: Settlement
Amount: $475,000
Attorney for plaintiff: Thomas E. Albro, Charlottesville